
 Watch this video as Jeff applies shellac to a cherry maple table. He shows hand application and spraying.



Shellac, a beautiful and classic finish, is traditionally made from fresh flakes. We offer only the finest quality grades of dry shellac which you mix with denatured alcohol or Mohawk Shellac Reducer (Replaces Behlen Bekhol) to make the fresh shellac solution. This versatile finish can be brushed, wiped on (padded), or sprayed.  It dries very fast and many finishes can be done in 2 days, including rubbing out. Shellac is very useful as a sealer coat and is an excellent medium for repair work because of its compatibility with other types of finishes. It is best to weigh the flakes (a small food portion scale is fine). However, you can easily make a rough 2-lb. cut from any of the flakes by filling an empty jar halfway with dry flakes, and then filling to the top with alcohol.

Dry shellacs sold are sold in 1/2 or 1 lb. plastic bags or a corrugated box if ordering 3+ lbs. of a single grade. Because shellac is a natural product and manufacturing processes vary from crop to crop, there may be variations in physical size and thickness of flakes from year to year.

NOTE: The below shellac colors are on solid curly maple. The top is 4 coats, the bottom half is 2 coats.



NOTE: Products purchased below through PayPal can’t be shipped outside of US. For International sales please go to our eBay store here.



Very similar to Platina/Ultra Pale, but with just a hint of ambering. The most popular grade of premium shellac sold.

#999 1/2 lb. bag Dewaxed Super Blonde – $33.75

#999 1 lb. bag Dewaxed Super Blonde – $51.50

Not available currently






This shellac is sometimes called “Ruby” shellac because it has the highest concentration of the natural lac dye. This shellac is a warm brown and great for duplicating old finishes on pine, maple and oak.  Note the difference between 2 coats and 4 coats. Our second most popular grade.

#1008 1/2 lb. bag Dewaxed Bona – $29.99

#1008 1 lb. bag Dewaxed Bona – $55.00







shellac_darkgarnetThis dark product from India is the darkest shellac we sell. If you use it as the entire shellac finish you can get fairly dark tones on light woods and deep browns on darker woods like walnut. If you have to build beyond several coats with dark varieties of shellac, we recommend spraying, as you may experience brush stroke marks. Many finishers use this color for the first two coats and then switch to a lighter color for the build coats.

#1018 1/2 lb. bag Dewaxed Dark Garnet – $28.50      

#1018 1 lb. bag Dewaxed Dark Garnet – $48.50      











shellac_wet_2004SHELLAC-WET – This additive eliminates “fat edge” on sharp edges and improves flow-out and leveling of shellac when brushing or spraying.  “Fat-edge” is a situation where shellac can roll-up on sharp edges. Shellac-Wet lowers the surface tension of your shellac solutions which eliminates “fat edge”.  It also improves flow-out and leveling of the finish.  When added to shellac, do not top coat with another type finish.  Easy to use — simply add 6 drops of this concentrated solution per quart.
#7099 –  $17.95 – 2 OZ. SQUEEZE BOTTLE










Homestead Dry Flake Shellac MSDS
Shellac Wet #7099 MSDS
Shellac Flat #7080 MSDS
Liquid Shellac Conversion Ratios
History and Use of Shellac
Padding Shellac